
  • Players
  • Típus
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Project M
  • Start
    2016. February 12., 7:30 PM CST
Organized by

Tournament completed!

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Starts at 7:30 SHARP. All non-tournament setups will be moved to the secondary room. We welcome players of all skill levels, and would love to see some new faces. It's all about having fun, so come out and enjoy yourself. Even if you just wanna come spectate, there will guaranteed to be some great matches to watch. Post-tournament we will have casual matches of games of all sorts, and we are more than willing to teach you how to play at a higher level. Tournament will be double-elimination. We will play Project M on Wii and Smash 4 on Wii U. BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER If you have a setup for the game we are playing and would like to bring it let us know! We would greatly appreciate it. Every console you bring helps brackets go smoothly and gives us more time for casuals afterwards. Good Luck. Have Fun. Get Hype. Stay Salty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTIONS: Location: Galloway 128 , Lamar University Campus. Parking E-1 Campus Map: Directions: From the Highway, take MLK street. Pass up the Montagne Center on Your right. Take the East Lavaca Street to the left. Take another left back onto MLK. Take a slight right onto campus in front of the theater. pass up the gate and park in that parking lot. The building you want is the one bordering the parking lot on the highway side of campus. You must enter the building around the right side through the front doors, go down the main hallway and we will be to the right. IF YOU ARE STILL CONFUSED CALL ROBERTO'S PHONE @ 409-718-2718. Go ahead and put this number down in your contacts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME: We will arrive at 5 pm to setup and hold warm-ups and casuals. Tournament starts at 7:30 SHARP so do not be late. THERE IS ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR ANYONE WHO MAY BE LATE.IF THEY ARE WE WILL START WITHOUT THEM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COST: Cost: Free! We will be selling unlimited pizza and soda for $6 to help support the scene buy buying equipment, setups, and funding future endevors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE BRACKETS Project M: Sm4sh:

Final Results

Icon medal second
Icon medal third















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